Empatia musical
Por sugestão dos amigos do Alta Fidelidade!
Do You Know Your Music (Sorry MTV Generation I Doubt You Can Handle This One)
O Matt e o Jer tentaram imortalizar (enquanto dure o blog
drunkendrawings) uma arte antiga e cujo espólio em portugal se perde ao levantar da mesa.
Com algum
potencial ! Esperamos a série Pós-Mundial!...
"Trouxeste o mapa?" Ou "Cheira-te a ovário?"
Afinal os sabujos têm olfacto!
"A new study published in the journal
Analytical Chemistry shows that sperm have a sense of smell. Further, it's so sophisticate that even an ovarian scent that's diluted 100,000 times will cause the little gametes to turn tail and swim in its direction. The study's authors note that sperm have olfactory receptor proteins—much like those in our noses—which reside over their outer membranes. The researchers used mouse sperm for their study, but they are confident their results apply to man-sperm as well. Apparently, sperm does not hold much of a species bias, as sperm from one mammal will respond to ovarian chemicals from another."
Knowledge Junkies!
'Thirst for knowledge' may be opium craving
A new theory by USC and NYU neuroscientists associates the "click" of comprehension with a biochemical cascade that triggers a dose of natural narcotics.
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